Posts In: October 2022

7 Benefits Of Hot Yoga

October 14, 2022

Yoga is a great way to exercise and practice strength, flexibility and balance. There are many forms of yoga you can choose from, although some may be better for you specifically than others. Hot yoga is done in a hot and steamy environment and is good for those wanting something more intense.

Hot yoga is fantastic for relaxing the mind and giving yourself something to focus on while you de-stress, but it is also great for your body. The heat provides a more intense environment, which makes your heart and lungs work harder for a full-body workout. 

The breathing techniques used in yoga can help train your lungs and increase their capacity. This keeps them healthy and allows more oxygen to enter your bloodstream. Using controlled breathing during hot yoga can help this further and potentially lead to better lung health.

This also applies to your heart, as well. The heat of the room makes your heart work faster, which can possibly help improve overall heart health and also boost your metabolism. 

While yoga also helps burn calories, hot yoga in particular burns more calories due to the environment in which you are exercising. More sweat is released in the hot, steamy environment, your body is working harder at regulating your temperature, therefore burning more calories. 

Hot yoga is also amazing for de-stressing. The focus and discipline required when doing yoga can help ease your mind and draw attention away from any anxieties and worries you may have.

This makes it great for relaxation and can help boost mindfulness and reduce negative emotions and feelings. Regular sessions can provide long-lasting results and give you a space to clear your mind and relax. 

This also aids in relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression as it allows you to focus on mindfulness and meditation, which can both aid in reducing feelings of depression and anxiety. 

Looking for hot yoga classes in Marlow? Visit Pila Yoga today!

To the uninitiated, it may seem like there is only one kind of yoga, a series of stretches and exercises rooted in Eastern spirituality and approaches to well-being. 

However, a little study will show there are several different forms of yoga, including Hasha, Ashtanga and Vinyasa. Indeed, there are actually no fewer than 13 different yoga styles. The term yoga itself translates as “the union of the soul with its higher self or ultimate source of consciousness,” but this can be pursued in different ways.

Anyone who wants to try Ashtanga Yoga in Marlow can call on our experts to teach them. It is a modern form founded in the 20th century by teacher T. Krishnamacharya for his energetic student Patthabi Jois. Based in Mysore, India, the school of Ashtanga has focused on the purification of body and mind through various posture flows.

Drawing on the principles of older Hatha traditions, its name comes from a compound of two words – Ashta and Anga – with the first meaning the number eight and the second meaning limb.

Don’t worry, though – this isn’t a type of yoga just for octopuses. The eight limbs in questions are the central principles of yoga, each of which are brought into the various poses, postures and stretches you will perform in this style.

Ashtanga is a vigorous style and one that has become increasingly popular in the west from the 1990s. Because it can be physically challenging, it is something that will take a bit of time to get the hang of. However, that also means it can go a long way towards getting you fit, helping you keep your joints in great shape and feeling good.

A number of other styles of yoga, including hot yoga, Vinyasa yoga and power yoga, are derivations from Ashtanga Yoga, so once you are familiar with Ashtanga you can give these a try too. 


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